TREND · 07/22/2019
Hello, my name is Krystin. I am the Senior Interior Designer at Muro Designs, and I am here to share with you the current trends in the industry. Kitchens and bathrooms are getting a major face-lift with bold patterns and colors. We haven't seen bright colors like this in a kitchen or bathroom since the mid 70's, which some of the patterns are even reminiscent of the 70's trends with bright yellows, blues, greens, and reds. Bold patterns can be seen through the industry with simple geometric...

HAWAII · 06/24/2019
こんにちは。 ムロデザインズスタッフのRyokoです。 常夏の楽園「ハワイ」と言えば美しい海や砂浜、椰子の木などを想像する方が多いかと思います。 しかし、ダイヤモンドヘッドのほど近くの海を臨む絶好のロケーションに まばゆいばかりのイスラム美術装飾で施されたお屋敷がひっそりと建っているのをご存知ですか?...

TREND · 05/29/2019
Hello, my name is Krystin. I am the Senior Interior Designer at Muro Designs, and I am here to share with you the current trends in the industry. Minimal art is making a huge advance in what is currently trending in the Home Industry. We are seeing more and more art with minimal shapes and minimal colors on simple materials with sleek frames. For instance, we are seeing a lot of black paint on white paper or canvas framed with a small black or silver frame. These art pieces make bold statements...

HISTORY · 05/15/2019
こんにちは。 ムロデザインズスタッフのRyokoです。 世界有数の総合金融サービス会社J.P.モルガン創業者の愛娘アン・モルガン、 VogueやVanity Fairなどファッションを中心とした大手出版社を創業したコンデ・ナスト、 膨大な美術コレクションで知られるアメリカ人実業家のヘンリー・クレイ・フリック・・・ 世界を動かしてきた錚々たる面々である彼らはみな、...

HAWAII · 04/24/2019
こんにちは。ムロデザインズスタッフのRyokoです。 ムロデザインズでは弊社のプロジェクトやビジョンをより多くのお客様に知っていただけるよう、 先日HPのリニューアルを行ないました。 新HPでは新しいパッケージプランや最新プロジェクトの紹介の他、 携帯電話やタブレット端末からのアクセスがより快適になるようアップグレードいたしました。...

TREND · 03/27/2019
Hello, my name is Krystin. I am the Senior Interior Designer at Muro Designs, and I am here to share with you the current trends in the industry. Rugs are one of the most basic design elements in a room, but they also serve many functions. They are designed to help protect the floors, keep your feet cozy, help define a room, and they are much more sanitary than carpet. Synthetic materials usually last the longest and can hold up in the toughest areas of a home (entry/living room, even outside),...

HISTORY · 03/13/2019
こんにちは。ムロデザインズスタッフのRyokoです。 先週3月8日は国際女性デーでしたね。 1904年のこの日に参政権を要求して集まった女性たちによりNYで行なわれた大規模なデモに端を発し、 現在も女性の主体性や自由を祝したイベントが世界各地で開催されています。 自立した女性の社会的活躍がさらに進む昨今。...

TREND · 02/26/2019
Hello, my name is Krystin. I am the Senior Interior Designer at Muro Designs, and I am here to share with you the current trends in the interior industry. You may have noticed that Brass has made a major come-back after so many years so being left on the shelf. The last time we saw brass as a trendy finish would have been in the 60's and it was everywhere! Now Brass has made a much more subtle come-back and we couldn't be happier! Brass is a great material to use in your home because it is...

ART · 02/15/2019
こんにちは。ムロデザインズスタッフのRyokoです。 皆さんのご自宅や職場、その他どこかお気に入りの場所にはアートが飾られていますか? 生活に絶対必要なものではないけれども、人生を潤してくれるような不思議なパワーがあるのがアートの魅力です。 Hello. My name is Ryoko from an interior design firm in Hawaii and California. Thank you for stopping by Muro Designs' blog today. Do you like...

TREND · 02/01/2019
Hello, my name is Krystin. I am the Senior Interior Designer at Muro Designs, and I am here to share with you the current trends in the industry. As you may have noticed, there has been a surge of Indigo hand-dyed pillow covers that have come on the scene. Mud cloth's long history starts in the 12th century in Mali, where it was invented. The cotton cloth is made by artisans who weave strips of cloth together and hand-spin and weave the fabric, and then dye it several times with mud and natural...
